CTC007683 - Enterprise Data Platform & AI - GIS Specialist

Industry Sector: Telecommunications
Job Type: Contract
Duration: Eleven months
Work Mode: Mixed


Locations being consider - Mississauga, ideally, Toronto or Montreal

Bilingual is not required - Must speak English

Hybrid role - 2-3 days / week at the office

Typical day to day in this role - Web Development, some research, investigate data sources, python, some support, geocoding.

Top 3 skills sets and qualifications -

  • ArcGIS Enterprise and Pro

  • Python

  • Geocoding and Geo Analytics

Interview process - 1 interview

Behavior & technical

2 or 3 persons


Projects you will be working on - Develop GIS Web Applications using Experience Builder or Custom Web app to meet specific business needs.

Potential for extension or to hire full time exists

Minimum Required Education - Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

TOP 5 Required Skills -

  • 5 years Software Developer experience - Experience with python (esri arcpy libraries and arcgis api for python), web development (HTML + jQuery JavaScript, Bootstrap JS/CSS), Arcgis JavaScript api, DevOps (git, Redhat)

  • 5 years experience with ESRI productExperitise in Postgres as a ArcGIS Enterprise Geodatabasertal admin, Geocoding locators, feature layers, ESRI spatial analytics tools.

  • 3 years experience with Database management systems - Experitise in Postgres as a ArcGIS Enterprise Geodatabase

  • Strong GIS knowledge - Knowledge of geospatial and mapping concepts such as spatial analysis and map projections.

  • Background in Telecommunications - Wireline and wireless infrastructure (FTTH, 5G)

Other skills -

  • Excellent verbal, written communication,

  • strong time management, prioritization, and teamwork skills.

  • Work independently

Main Job Responsibilities -

  • Develop GIS Web Applications using Experance Builder or Custom Web app to meet specific business needs.

  • Work closely with stakeholders to identify requirements and develop specifications, and use your expertise to create high-quality software that meets those requirements.

  • Develop and maintain python scripts used for Spatial Analysis, classification, standardization, cleansing and merge large datasets for Geocoder.

  • Explore additional data sources for Geocoding.

  • Document solutions

  • Addtional resposibilities might include:

  1. ArcGIS Enterprise portal administration.

  2. Deploying code to Linux Redhat server and setting up cron jobs

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